Those Golden Days Version 2 Is Here


  • Spar minigame with Uzumaki.
  • +2 more types of training via Uzumaki.
  • More Mara events. (+6)
  • More Uzumaki events. (+8)
  • More Reena events. (+7)
  • Memory Gallery added (accessible from the navigation menu)
  • More Memories added (+6, 15 total)
  • More sensuals (lewd events) added (+3? maybe 4 - I forget).
  • No more "HQ" version of the game. All versions will have the compressed images (just easier for me to manage).
  • Patched save data so that unexpected issues won't arise (I think....)

Omitted from v2 or Scheduled for v3:

  • New character (massage therapist)
  • Rena's story events (Reena's progression required first).
  • Marena (Mara)'s return home.
  • Pacing / Event balancing.
  • Testing regarding the story management. It may cause errors - if so, please notify me. However, I think I fixed it so that it won't break anything.

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TGD v2.1 [8/7/23] {Mac} 455 MB
Version 2 Aug 09, 2023
TGD v2.1 [8/7/23] {PC} 1.2 GB
Version 3 Oct 20, 2023
TGD v2.1 [8/7/23] {Mac} 455 MB
Version 1 Aug 07, 2023
TGD v2.1 [8/7/23] {PC} 1.2 GB
Version 1 Aug 07, 2023

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