Public Version Updated, Version 7 Released

Hello folks,

TL DR, public version updated along with the paid version!

The past few months have been a wild ride.  I found out I have a serious health issue which greatly changed / slowed my workflow. As a result, it took quite some time and effort to make the last releases on my work. In addition, I've also needed to handle "normal" things like paying taxes, bills, credit and juggling finances to get the healthcare I need.

As you can imagine, that put my life in a state of disarray - and while it's still ongoing, the show must go on (seriously, I'd rather not die in the near future - so I've been working diligently to avoid such a fate). Even though things are behind, slowly and surely I'm getting there.

Version 8 and 9 are still in production (combined!),but there's no reason to withhold version 7.  

Version 6 , is now the public version (cheats enabled , my mistake).

Enjoy responsibly.


  • QOL improvements
  • New Events
  • New Features
  • New Faces (depending on the version)
  • More Fun

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Get well soon ❤️

Thanks, I'm working on it


you're ill?