Yep it's like those manhua shit or cultivation shit, haha I expected it but even the character is the same and there arrogant and low IQ talk hahaha Ugh but it's seems ok I'm not still done with the game but maybe I'm gonna stop here for now. 🙂
Hi, That depends on several factors (like, whether you're a collector type player who wants to get everything). The game itself has around 16-20 hours of gameplay if played normally at current (that's just a rough estimate, I haven't timed it). You could also utilize cheats to speed up the process of bonds or growth, which decrease play time. Some players also like to spend extra time squeezing the utmost out of their experience.
Obtaining the latest version is beneficial for many reasons though.
You get access to cheats, which you can toggle to speed up affection growth, increase vixen bond levels faster, gain more qi, expend less sustenance and a few other things.
All future updates are free, as it's a lifetime purchase.
More enlightenments.
You have the option to play all content to complete the prologue's events.
There's a common issue with android games where, if the file size surpasses 2GB, android won't let you run the file.
I'm guessing you were the person who came to discord and made mention of a certificate issue? I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I am fairly sure that it may be related to the file of the size itself.
You can try Joi Play to get around this, but I have no experience setting up or using it. It seems to work for others.
If i pay the 12.99 for the current version is it just for that and have to pay again later for another version or do I buy it I and it gets updated every so often
The way it works is that you purchase at the current price and receive updates whenever a new version of the game is released at no extra cost.
The price of the project will increase over time (to reflect the new content being added), so basically if you purchase early there's more value. It's a single time payment though.
In summary - I have a life, bills and also aspirations. It's not realistic to work on a project for pennies each month.
With that in mind, I have to work on things that get me paid. It's either charge for my work or stop developing, and I think most people who follow this project would prefer I keep working on the project.
There's always the free version though if you're not interested in spending any money.
But I just went to your perfil here and it say that the only games that you created are homfactory, and the paid version of HPC, it doesn't say anything about the free version
When the task list says 'Return to the Hut and Speak with Mai' do you need to be a certain level or talk to her at a specific time?Because when I talk with her,I just get the regular bonding scene.
There are some things that you could have possibly done out of order. For example, if you waited to breakthrough beyond the second month, it would throw your game into disarray and you'd experience many types of events out of order from that point on. (literally, about 20% of the story would be missed). I attempted to fix all that recently, so I can only speculate that this may be part of the issue you're dealing with.
Ok i keep trying to download the android version from both links but whenever i reach the installation part, it always ends up "Application not installed" though it was because i kept exiting the browser app im downloading it on so i redownloaded it again without exiting the browser but it's still the same from both links.
it says I need to convert 1,300 or more qi for the story quest but I already have over 2,000 and I can't progress through the story. I tried talking to Mai but she just tells me to fill up my qi core. Am I missing something?
when exactly is the new update released? I thought it should've been out already but I couldnt find a way to download it? also I was wondering what the name of the anime is which you used in ur school dress code patron post? ^^
ummmm im stucked at rank 2 n cnt break through further. Is it a bug or did i miss something cauz i have already reached my training bottleneck ...n tried to level up but cnt .... anyone plz help
Very nice looking game! However, there is a bug in which the task says "return to the hut and speak to mai", I tried this numerous times and nothing works. I have seen few people's comments about this bug but no valid response :( Maybe u can take a look at it?
since it's probably going to be a while before a new update is out i was wondering what's going to happen now that the date in my game is like a few months past when i was supposed to do the induction ceremony ill probally be a year past it by the time next update drops.... the last version .8 quest that says to give gifts raising mia's affection to what i assume to be 15 or 75 is it completable? cause i have her maxed as far as the game will allow me and still nothing
The latest update released yesterday, to answer your question though -- People practically revolted when I capped the amount of time you could play. (aka ending the game at a certain day) So I don't really plan on doing that any further. That's the only practical way to ensure players won't "bug" themselves later, but it seems players don't like that and are getting the wrong idea.
There's no practical way I can account for players who move past a certain point, but in all reality I haven't been doing too many timed events lately. In the future it may be a problem, so I will just say it's probably better if you don't move further than month 6.
lol a bit late for that in my case i'm at month 9 or 10 now was at month 8 by the time i posted this originally i'll just start a new playthrough if it ever becomes necessary .... if you do add events for a specific month and day isn't it possible for those past that time to trigger it the following year if they hadn't already been triggered?
It's something I can keep in mind in the future. But Bai Huan is supposed to begin his academy days around 7/15 in the first year. At that point, you move to the actual academy.
Hi, it's easier to drop a note on discord if you want help (as I generally only check places like this occasionally).
The process with moving on from that point is pretty straight forward.
As the task says, you need 1,300 converted qi. You get converted qi by acquiring world qi, and then using the qi conversion option on the meditation menu.
Once you have that amount or more, and try to convert some qi you will trigger the next event.
Mai also explains this if you speak to her, stating that it's "very important" to convert your qi during this time.
except they're showing that's what occurred. To guess, it's that you fully expected people to just collect qi and then convert it then talk to her rather than spending it? Cause after that point, I literally got shown characters I was unaware of purely because the timed events activated and the quest *refused* to be completed.
Chances are there is something else you need to do first (besides chatting or bonding with Mai.)
I'll look into it though. Considering that more people haven't mentioned this as an error, it's probably something small or easy that may have been overlooked -- or that naturally triggers at some point.
How can you get more talent points? Id rather not have to start over but I balanced my stats before the update came out that made them really mean something. I cant quite figure out how to get more talent so I can up strength instead. Thanks!
At this point, even if you balanced your talent points you should still be okay. Besides, that's not really a bad thing.
Anyway, to get more talent points you either need to breakthrough to another rank (currently Azure rank is a story related breakthrough and is inaccessible), or you can do training. Training will give you limited amounts of talent points.
You can also master enlightenments, which generally give you talent points as rewards, perks or other benefits.
Ah I see, I was asking because my damage is pretty far from what it probably should be, I lose to about every enemy out there, might just make a new game before I get too far to turn back
Ok,but here's another question do the save from the android ver works with the pc ver? Cause i think the game is bugging cuz it dosent let me continue the storyline. The quest said 'return to the hut and speak to mai' but when i do that it dosent work she just says her usual line or giving bai a fruit.
Honestly, I have no idea. Never tried an android save with other versions of the game - so it's possible there is some conflict. As far as having issues with the story, that's only been a problem with people who mod / tinker with their projects from what I've seen in the past few days.
I can't really help you fix a mod, because I don't know what was changed regrettably.
Yea. I know some people were trying to make mods for the game, but it's a bit early for that imo.
In the end, the mod (s) was made and passed around without fully understanding the game --and as such, they changed a bunch of values mistakenly believing that it would allow them to skip ahead. That resulted in glitching out player's games.
Yes saves can be moved from Android to PC if you know where they are on one device and where to put them on the other.
PC Local Game Folder\game\saves
PC Roaming %AppData%\RenPy\HeavenlyPeaksCultivation-1607924583
Android (This folder might be hidden do to increased security on newer models, if so try a better file explorer or connecting it to PC) Android/data/hpc.eight.two/files/saves
Generally for any Ren'Py game it's Android/data/[App Name]/files/saves where App Name is the name of the application.
Extra Tips It's usually good to back up Android Saves before uninstalling
If you wanted to try mods on Android generally put them in Android/data/hpc.eight.two/files/game
I keep on getting defeated by the first enemy I meet mostly due to lack of info. Does the combat mechanics work on Active Battle? (like the older FF games) do I have to click the enemy till they die or is auto battle where the only thing I manage is my stance?
Is the fist icon an enhanced attack with a cooldown or does it tell my character to attack?
For a tutorial battle i'm given no helpful info other than I can change my stance and they do
I'd like to see more of this game as I was enjoying myself up to this point and the game has given me no indication that this is a unbeatable plot battle
The battle mechanics are briefly explained, but I'll summarize.
There are 4 options for battle. Every 5 seconds after switching, you can switch to another. Offense boosts damage but you take more. Defense boosts defense and lowers damage. Evasion swaps your qi for damage and allows countering, while Balance allows you to recover small amounts of qi.
Before you get into a fight, you need to improve your stats t hrough talent points as suggested by Mai (first when you speak to her and then again before you embark and she gives you healing items).
Unless you do this, you won't stand much of a chance so be sure to invest some time in building your stats. Hope that helps. Here's a list of features ( ) I'll add battle mechanics to the list so that it's less of a mystery.
Thanks for the reply, the link you provided cleared up a lot. I'm guessing you're planning on adding that info in a later version of the game? if you do may I make a suggestion would it be possible to add like a list of all seen/previous tutorials and such so players can read back at their leisure, an early issue I had was the splash screens fading too quickly but I was mostly saved by Rollback however I had to reload a save to double check that I understood the breakthough mechanic and a list or icon to replay the training screens would be useful in future espcially with newer complex mechanics.
Right i'm off to continue doing Monky Monk shit keep up the good work
Sure, I'll add that to my to-do list. Truthfully I already sort of had something like that set up, but I scraped it until I could figure out how to present some screen elements in a better manner.
P.S. For people wondering, I compressed the game recently. I briefly tried the mobile download and it seems to be working since it's below the 2 gig file limit, however I didn't play all the way through. Therefore if you come across any weird or unexpected things w/ mobile version drop me a comment here! Thanks
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking precisely, but I will just comment on recent events. Many people are mixed up (and rightly so) as I used a version of 0.8 to patch some known issues in 0.6. Though I made an annoucement about this, I'm fairly sure that many people may have missed it and downloaded the game anyway where the version reads 0.8 Public.
They then became confused when the game ended in the exact same place as 0.6 was supposed to (once again, rightly so as the version says Public 0.8).
The last release of the game is version 0.8 in it's entirety (once again this was mentioned in the devlogs, but it seems many people are missing this as well which contributes to confusion). So in a nutshell, the latest release is 0.8 the latest version of the game.
That's the result of a glitch that was fixed a few weeks ago. Since the public release is done every 2 versions, it will be a while before the public version sees those changes.
No, sorry. If you're experiencing problems with Mega, could you explain to me what they are? As far as I know, using an incognito browser may solve issues.
what he says isn't entirely true i have no subscription i don't even log into mega and if i hit the dl limit the download pauses for 2 or 3 hours then finishes after the timer hits 0
I see. After hearing about this at first, I did look into it but I couldn't find information on it. I suppose that may have been what Clerical was referring to. Regardless, I am looking into file hosting services, because my projects are growing and I will need it in the future.
I just happen to be a bit strapped for cash at the moment to really invest in one. Soon though!
Playing v 0.7 and I am on the task to talk to mai at the hut but the event won't trigger am doing something wrong? I talk to her but when I click on chat I just get affection and progress up? Help please trying to progress
It resolved its self I thing I was to far ahead after training and resting it progressed I think I have to do the same for the task raise the forest to level 5 or more now
I've been playing through 0.6(the latest public version)andit's great so far,only problem is that Yenyay seems to disappear(taking her cauldron with her) after a while.I don't think that's supposed to happen.Does it something to with added story content in future
That's an issue that was patched a few days ago. That happens when you neglect to breakthrough before meeting Yenay (as was intended). I'll release the public patch as soon as I can.
Hello, to answer your question: The game in general has more than one h-scene. (It has for some months now ^_-). There's at least one in the first 20 minutes and a couple more after. The main issue is, Ren'py Galleries have been wonky so until I make a custom solution it's a bit difficult to show past content to the player. Thus, the # of lewd seems seems a bit low because there are no picture or video galleries.
In reality, at current there are about 10-15 lewd events and 4-5 lewd scenes (featuring video). I planned for more with 0.6 but time did not permit, so they will be featured in 0.7 at the end of the month.
In fact,
The 0.6 (the latest) is such a great improvement compared to 0.5 that I decided not to release another version of the game publicly until next month.
Mega video upload is what I use. A quick google search shows that other people (with other games) have had your same issue. As far as how to fix it, I have no idea.
You could try messing with your browser settings, using incognito mode, etc.
It sounds like your computer / internet service is just having an issue connecting to Mega. But I don't believe this has anything to do with the game nor files themselves.
Thanks! Incognito mode worked. The PC I'm using was able to connect to Mega for other games and their links, just not this specific one for some reason(and I wanna make sure you get represented for the work you are putting in).
To give a bit more clarity, the app said what I wrote above and on Google Chrome browser when you click the 'Download' button on your page(other pages I've noticed say 'Download Now'), itch has the pop-up stating 'Thanks for downloading. It should start momentarily'. No matter how long you wait, it doesn't start and unlike other games that have the same pop-up, yours doesn't give the option on how much money you can contribute or the 'no thanks, just take me to the download' options to progress to the link to download it from Mega.
Sorry about the long rant and hope it's actually of some help
I don't have it set up to accept money at all, so that's most likely why. I was unaware that it caused an issue with downloading the files though. Strange.
Which parts do you find grindy? (Mostly asking for clarity), to answer your question though, I'm already working on adding a lot more aspects to gameplay to alleviate that problem.
In particular, crafting and exploration are two areas of gameplay that serve to break up that "grindy" feeling. However, in the current version you're playing they aren't fully developed.
I hope to fix that pretty soon. That, and more events are coming as well.
The physical training can be done in "batches". You can do that by toggling the button on the screen prior to training.
(It's the orb that looks like a recycle symbol). As for the meditation, and the "batch" training, there is a reason for why they are structured the way they are.
As you grow more powerful, you will be able to train for longer periods, sometimes days and even months. This is pretty normal in a cultivation fantasy. You can cancel these activities at any time during the process (for both meditation and physical training), for that reason I doubt that I will change the way those mechanics work. The idea being that you can split up your energy however you like between those activities, then go do other things if you have sustenance left.
(Above is an example of "batch" training your Martial Skill.)
This isn't too important right now, but later on in the game it will be very important. Especially if you want to split your time between 3-5 activities (like exploring, crafting, training, meditating and socializing -- all of which require sustenance to some degree). Also later in the game, once you become an official student of the Golden Lotus Academy, you will also need to do time sensitive tasks for your academia.
All of these aspects together, once implemented, will give you a wide range of ways to spend your time and energy.
It won't install i have 6.3 GB free and I have had the game downloaded before just fine but for some reason after the latest update it simply won't install and I have no idea why please resolve this issue.
Hello! It sounds like a localized issue on your part, but I'll briefly run through a few things you can try. First and foremost, 6 GB free might sound like a lot, but sometimes programs partition more memory than the actual file size to get things done. So the first thing you should try is removing files you simply do not need to free up space. This often happens with me when I install steam games (due to limited space issues).
Secondly, I don't know what platform you're attempting to install to, but you may want to copy and save your save files, delete the rest and then "install". In reality though, there is nothing to be installed. You're simply downloading the files and placing them on your PC. There is no unpacking or things of that nature to be done.
As far as I can see, no one else has had these problems using the same files, so it seems this may be related to something going on with your particular system. These are the only things I can think of offhand. If you're still having issues, please take some screenshots or make a video of what's going on for you, chances are it's something fairly simple that needs to be tweaked.
I see i didn't know that usually I can download up to a 3 gb game with 6 gb free but I do see your point im doing Android and I have tried to free up more space but its probably doing as you said because when it goes to install towards the end it says not enough space so thank you for your reply!
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Yep it's like those manhua shit or cultivation shit, haha I expected it but even the character is the same and there arrogant and low IQ talk hahaha Ugh but it's seems ok I'm not still done with the game but maybe I'm gonna stop here for now. 🙂
Plss help how to solve this?
nvm, I just downloaded the PC version seems like there's a problem on Android version.
Any android game above 2 GB won't run.
You'd need to use Joi Play or play a different version of the game.
So how many thing I miss out if I only play the free version? Like how much extra hour the paid version add?
That depends on several factors (like, whether you're a collector type player who wants to get everything).
The game itself has around 16-20 hours of gameplay if played normally at current (that's just a rough estimate, I haven't timed it). You could also utilize cheats to speed up the process of bonds or growth, which decrease play time. Some players also like to spend extra time squeezing the utmost out of their experience.
Obtaining the latest version is beneficial for many reasons though.
You get access to cheats, which you can toggle to speed up affection growth, increase vixen bond levels faster, gain more qi, expend less sustenance and a few other things.
All future updates are free, as it's a lifetime purchase.
More enlightenments.
You have the option to play all content to complete the prologue's events.
I see. Any idea why can't I install it on android? I have android 12
There's a common issue with android games where, if the file size surpasses 2GB, android won't let you run the file.
I'm guessing you were the person who came to discord and made mention of a certificate issue? I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I am fairly sure that it may be related to the file of the size itself.
You can try Joi Play to get around this, but I have no experience setting up or using it. It seems to work for others.
If i pay the 12.99 for the current version is it just for that and have to pay again later for another version or do I buy it I and it gets updated every so often
The way it works is that you purchase at the current price and receive updates whenever a new version of the game is released at no extra cost.
The price of the project will increase over time (to reflect the new content being added), so basically if you purchase early there's more value. It's a single time payment though.
Somebody please tell me is there a way to hide the text bar in Android ?
why noow it is paid?
In summary -
I have a life, bills and also aspirations. It's not realistic to work on a project for pennies each month.
With that in mind, I have to work on things that get me paid. It's either charge for my work or stop developing, and I think most people who follow this project would prefer I keep working on the project.
There's always the free version though if you're not interested in spending any money.
It's that I tought that in itchio is where the fre version woulld be and in your pantreon is where the paid version would be
There is a free to play version posted here, it wasn't present a few weeks ago due to information in some of my posts.
But I just went to your perfil here and it say that the only games that you created are homfactory, and the paid version of HPC, it doesn't say anything about the free version
The free version is on this page. You just have to scroll a bit (for some reason they push the paid version up to the top).
Look for 1.52 Public.
When the task list says 'Return to the Hut and Speak with Mai' do you need to be a certain level or talk to her at a specific time?Because when I talk with her,I just get the regular bonding scene.
There are some things that you could have possibly done out of order. For example, if you waited to breakthrough beyond the second month, it would throw your game into disarray and you'd experience many types of events out of order from that point on. (literally, about 20% of the story would be missed).
I attempted to fix all that recently, so I can only speculate that this may be part of the issue you're dealing with.
Ok i keep trying to download the android version from both links but whenever i reach the installation part, it always ends up "Application not installed" though it was because i kept exiting the browser app im downloading it on so i redownloaded it again without exiting the browser but it's still the same from both links.
Any help for this?
I honestly have no clue. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help with this.
aight found this game on my threads I'll give a review soon. ^^ hope this game is good.
it says I need to convert 1,300 or more qi for the story quest but I already have over 2,000 and I can't progress through the story. I tried talking to Mai but she just tells me to fill up my qi core. Am I missing something?
I did try converting about 1,300 to 3,000 qi at once but still nothing happened
nvm I found the answer from a previous comment
when exactly is the new update released? I thought it should've been out already but I couldnt find a way to download it? also I was wondering what the name of the anime is which you used in ur school dress code patron post? ^^
HPC's releases are done every 2 months, which means the next public update will be next month (within the first week).
As per your second question, I have no clue -- I didn't use any particular anime to base my work on.
So in about a week and a half? Thanks for letting me know!
I'll probably release it a bit earlier (probably tomorrow tbh).
I just mai gift and her affection is more than 75% and when i talk to her it does nothing? It just keep increasing her bond
How do u level up forest rank???
win fights and use the option on the right to use chi to level it up
ummmm im stucked at rank 2 n cnt break through further. Is it a bug or did i miss something cauz i have already reached my training bottleneck ...n tried to level up but cnt .... anyone plz help
next rank is a story mission not yet in game but i don't know what update it will get added i'm sure the dev knows
Very nice looking game! However, there is a bug in which the task says "return to the hut and speak to mai", I tried this numerous times and nothing works. I have seen few people's comments about this bug but no valid response :( Maybe u can take a look at it?
Never mind... I just found the problem, I have to increase my relationship with yenay, sorry for the comment.
Can you make it downloadable on the app? So not only on the website.
I'll look into this, I'm not familiar with the app.
I'll see what I can do though!
Okay, Thanks!
Hey, i see that it still isn't available. Has it worked?
since it's probably going to be a while before a new update is out i was wondering what's going to happen now that the date in my game is like a few months past when i was supposed to do the induction ceremony ill probally be a year past it by the time next update drops.... the last version .8 quest that says to give gifts raising mia's affection to what i assume to be 15 or 75 is it completable? cause i have her maxed as far as the game will allow me and still nothing
The latest update released yesterday, to answer your question though --
People practically revolted when I capped the amount of time you could play. (aka ending the game at a certain day)
So I don't really plan on doing that any further. That's the only practical way to ensure players won't "bug" themselves later, but it seems players don't like that and are getting the wrong idea.
There's no practical way I can account for players who move past a certain point, but in all reality I haven't been doing too many timed events lately. In the future it may be a problem, so I will just say it's probably better if you don't move further than month 6.
lol a bit late for that in my case i'm at month 9 or 10 now was at month 8 by the time i posted this originally i'll just start a new playthrough if it ever becomes necessary .... if you do add events for a specific month and day isn't it possible for those past that time to trigger it the following year if they hadn't already been triggered?
It's something I can keep in mind in the future.
But Bai Huan is supposed to begin his academy days around 7/15 in the first year. At that point, you move to the actual academy.
Im stuck right at the beginning, i have the 2nd main quest "Fill your qi core (convert 1300 or more)"
What Im doing wrong.
Your missions and events are really confusing
Hi, it's easier to drop a note on discord if you want help (as I generally only check places like this occasionally).
The process with moving on from that point is pretty straight forward.
As the task says, you need 1,300 converted qi. You get converted qi by acquiring world qi, and then using the qi conversion option on the meditation menu.
Once you have that amount or more, and try to convert some qi you will trigger the next event.
Mai also explains this if you speak to her, stating that it's "very important" to convert your qi during this time.
except they're showing that's what occurred. To guess, it's that you fully expected people to just collect qi and then convert it then talk to her rather than spending it? Cause after that point, I literally got shown characters I was unaware of purely because the timed events activated and the quest *refused* to be completed.
Did u modelise characters and background by yourself ?
I see you left this comment on a ton of games. Spam account?
no just sent to several creator for have multiple solution
but dont worry, some other people have already answered me
it tells me i need to talk to mai at the hut but I can't seem to get the event to trigger no matter how many times I click chat or bond.
Chances are there is something else you need to do first (besides chatting or bonding with Mai.)
I'll look into it though. Considering that more people haven't mentioned this as an error, it's probably something small or easy that may have been overlooked -- or that naturally triggers at some point.
How can you get more talent points? Id rather not have to start over but I balanced my stats before the update came out that made them really mean something. I cant quite figure out how to get more talent so I can up strength instead. Thanks!
At this point, even if you balanced your talent points you should still be okay.
Besides, that's not really a bad thing.
Anyway, to get more talent points you either need to breakthrough to another rank (currently Azure rank is a story related breakthrough and is inaccessible), or you can do training. Training will give you limited amounts of talent points.
You can also master enlightenments, which generally give you talent points as rewards, perks or other benefits.
I also recommend you check out this :( )
Ah I see, I was asking because my damage is pretty far from what it probably should be, I lose to about every enemy out there, might just make a new game before I get too far to turn back
It keeps giving me an exception every time I try to fight the first spirit beast.
nvm. I started over and that fixed it.
how do i break the bottleneck? I'm already at emerald spark and my body tempering already reach 100%
Azure rank is a main story point, and is currently not accessible.
Ok,but here's another question do the save from the android ver works with the pc ver? Cause i think the game is bugging cuz it dosent let me continue the storyline. The quest said 'return to the hut and speak to mai' but when i do that it dosent work she just says her usual line or giving bai a fruit.
Honestly, I have no idea. Never tried an android save with other versions of the game - so it's possible there is some conflict.
As far as having issues with the story, that's only been a problem with people who mod / tinker with their projects from what I've seen in the past few days.
I can't really help you fix a mod, because I don't know what was changed regrettably.
damn,that mean i just got to yolo it and hope for the best
Yea. I know some people were
tryingto make mods for the game, but it's a bit early for that imo.In the end, the mod (s) was made and passed around without fully understanding the game --and as such, they changed a bunch of values mistakenly believing that it would allow them to skip ahead. That resulted in glitching out player's games.
Yes saves can be moved from Android to PC if you know where they are on one device and where to put them on the other.
PC Local
Game Folder\game\saves
PC Roaming
Android (This folder might be hidden do to increased security on newer models, if so try a better file explorer or connecting it to PC)
Generally for any Ren'Py game it's
Android/data/[App Name]/files/saves
where App Name is the name of the application.
Extra Tips
It's usually good to back up Android Saves before uninstalling
If you wanted to try mods on Android generally put them in
I keep on getting defeated by the first enemy I meet mostly due to lack of info. Does the combat mechanics work on Active Battle? (like the older FF games) do I have to click the enemy till they die or is auto battle where the only thing I manage is my stance?
Is the fist icon an enhanced attack with a cooldown or does it tell my character to attack?
For a tutorial battle i'm given no helpful info other than I can change my stance and they do
I'd like to see more of this game as I was enjoying myself up to this point and the game has given me no indication that this is a unbeatable plot battle
When you break your bottle neck for the first time, you gain a health increase. Try healing by eating, worked for me.
The battle mechanics are briefly explained, but I'll summarize.
There are 4 options for battle. Every 5 seconds after switching, you can switch to another. Offense boosts damage but you take more. Defense boosts defense and lowers damage. Evasion swaps your qi for damage and allows countering, while Balance allows you to recover small amounts of qi.
Before you get into a fight, you need to improve your stats t hrough talent points as suggested by Mai (first when you speak to her and then again before you embark and she gives you healing items).
Unless you do this, you won't stand much of a chance so be sure to invest some time in building your stats. Hope that helps.
Here's a list of features ( )
I'll add battle mechanics to the list so that it's less of a mystery.
Thanks for the reply, the link you provided cleared up a lot. I'm guessing you're planning on adding that info in a later version of the game? if you do may I make a suggestion would it be possible to add like a list of all seen/previous tutorials and such so players can read back at their leisure, an early issue I had was the splash screens fading too quickly but I was mostly saved by Rollback however I had to reload a save to double check that I understood the breakthough mechanic and a list or icon to replay the training screens would be useful in future espcially with newer complex mechanics.
Right i'm off to continue doing Monky Monk shit keep up the good work
Sure, I'll add that to my to-do list. Truthfully I already sort of had something like that set up, but I scraped it until I could figure out how to present some screen elements in a better manner.
P.S. For people wondering, I compressed the game recently. I briefly tried the mobile download and it seems to be working since it's below the 2 gig file limit, however I didn't play all the way through. Therefore if you come across any weird or unexpected things w/ mobile version drop me a comment here! Thanks
How can I install this game? I still have a lot of free space around 50 gb, my phone is a52 samsung is there a way to install it?
Joiplay, as the android releases for Ren'py tend to be a bit wonky at times.
You can also try downloading the latest version of the game (just uploaded it a few mins ago).
It's a much smaller file size, and therefore it may work for you as there are size limitations to playing Android games.
Is there a change between this to?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking precisely, but I will just comment on recent events.
Many people are mixed up (and rightly so) as I used a version of 0.8 to patch some known issues in 0.6. Though I made an annoucement about this, I'm fairly sure that many people may have missed it and downloaded the game anyway where the version reads 0.8 Public.
They then became confused when the game ended in the exact same place as 0.6 was supposed to (once again, rightly so as the version says Public 0.8).
The last release of the game is version 0.8 in it's entirety (once again this was mentioned in the devlogs, but it seems many people are missing this as well which contributes to confusion).
So in a nutshell, the latest release is 0.8 the latest version of the game.
This is some good Manhua. Btw when the next version for public release?
Dec 1st - Dec 7th
HAAHAHAHAAHAH, alright2 thanks for the info brother
As it turns out, it's been released today.
good game, only issue ive had is events are totally out of order. maybe i just pushed to fast on training or something.
That's the result of a glitch that was fixed a few weeks ago.
Since the public release is done every 2 versions, it will be a while before the public version sees those changes.
ah okay! thats cool thanks for the info keep up the good work.
Thanks, that means alot!
Is there any non-mega download link?
No, sorry. If you're experiencing problems with Mega, could you explain to me what they are? As far as I know, using an incognito browser may solve issues.
Thats a shame, my problem is that the limit on mega won't let me download the game without a subscription.
Really? Never knew that. I haven't heard anyone else mention it thus far, but I'll look into it.
what he says isn't entirely true i have no subscription i don't even log into mega and if i hit the dl limit the download pauses for 2 or 3 hours then finishes after the timer hits 0
I see. After hearing about this at first, I did look into it but I couldn't find information on it. I suppose that may have been what Clerical was referring to. Regardless, I am looking into file hosting services, because my projects are growing and I will need it in the future.
I just happen to be a bit strapped for cash at the moment to really invest in one. Soon though!
Playing v 0.7 and I am on the task to talk to mai at the hut but the event won't trigger am doing something wrong? I talk to her but when I click on chat I just get affection and progress up? Help please trying to progress
What's the main story task you're given?
And what's the last event you had with Mai ?
It resolved its self I thing I was to far ahead after training and resting it progressed I think I have to do the same for the task raise the forest to level 5 or more now
Also,is there any way for me to transfer over my save files to the newest version when it comes out?
I noticed the patch is out.Do I need to download the game again for the patch to work?
I've been playing through 0.6(the latest public version)andit's great so far,only problem is that Yenyay seems to disappear(taking her cauldron with her) after a while.I don't think that's supposed to happen.Does it something to with added story content in future
That's an issue that was patched a few days ago.
That happens when you neglect to breakthrough before meeting Yenay (as was intended).
I'll release the public patch as soon as I can.
Ifyou mean breaking through to Emerald Spark(Second Stage), then fair. It's good that there's going to be a public patch available.
Yea, consequence of being the developer I suppose.
I never would have picked up on that if not for the players. Simple fix too!
Why ver 0.5 only have 1 h scene?
Hello, to answer your question:
The game in general has more than one h-scene. (It has for some months now ^_-). There's at least one in the first 20 minutes and a couple more after. The main issue is, Ren'py Galleries have been wonky so until I make a custom solution it's a bit difficult to show past content to the player. Thus, the # of lewd seems seems a bit low because there are no picture or video galleries.
In reality, at current there are about 10-15 lewd events and 4-5 lewd scenes (featuring video). I planned for more with 0.6 but time did not permit, so they will be featured in 0.7 at the end of the month.
In fact,
The 0.6 (the latest) is such a great improvement compared to 0.5 that I decided not to release another version of the game publicly until next month.
Cannot initiate download. Even through itch app, it states "the title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website".
Mega video upload is what I use.
A quick google search shows that other people (with other games) have had your same issue.
As far as how to fix it, I have no idea.
You could try messing with your browser settings, using incognito mode, etc.
It sounds like your computer / internet service is just having an issue connecting to Mega. But I don't believe this has anything to do with the game nor files themselves.
Thanks! Incognito mode worked. The PC I'm using was able to connect to Mega for other games and their links, just not this specific one for some reason(and I wanna make sure you get represented for the work you are putting in).
To give a bit more clarity, the app said what I wrote above and on Google Chrome browser when you click the 'Download' button on your page(other pages I've noticed say 'Download Now'), itch has the pop-up stating 'Thanks for downloading. It should start momentarily'. No matter how long you wait, it doesn't start and unlike other games that have the same pop-up, yours doesn't give the option on how much money you can contribute or the 'no thanks, just take me to the download' options to progress to the link to download it from Mega.
Sorry about the long rant and hope it's actually of some help
I don't have it set up to accept money at all, so that's most likely why.
I was unaware that it caused an issue with downloading the files though. Strange.
I played part of the game and got bored of it since it is far too grindy. Could you perhaps make it less grindy or not at all grindy?
Which parts do you find grindy? (Mostly asking for clarity), to answer your question though, I'm already working on adding a lot more aspects to gameplay to alleviate that problem.
In particular, crafting and exploration are two areas of gameplay that serve to break up that "grindy" feeling. However, in the current version you're playing they aren't fully developed.
I hope to fix that pretty soon. That, and more events are coming as well.
The part I find that's really grindy is when you are training by the boulder and meditating in the hut.
The physical training can be done in "batches". You can do that by toggling the button on the screen prior to training.

(It's the orb that looks like a recycle symbol).
As for the meditation, and the "batch" training, there is a reason for why they are structured the way they are.
As you grow more powerful, you will be able to train for longer periods, sometimes days and even months. This is pretty normal in a cultivation fantasy. You can cancel these activities at any time during the process (for both meditation and physical training), for that reason I doubt that I will change the way those mechanics work. The idea being that you can split up your energy however you like between those activities, then go do other things if you have sustenance left.
(Above is an example of "batch" training your Martial Skill.)
This isn't too important right now, but later on in the game it will be very important. Especially if you want to split your time between 3-5 activities (like exploring, crafting, training, meditating and socializing -- all of which require sustenance to some degree). Also later in the game, once you become an official student of the Golden Lotus Academy, you will also need to do time sensitive tasks for your academia.
All of these aspects together, once implemented, will give you a wide range of ways to spend your time and energy.
It won't install i have 6.3 GB free and I have had the game downloaded before just fine but for some reason after the latest update it simply won't install and I have no idea why please resolve this issue.
It sounds like a localized issue on your part, but I'll briefly run through a few things you can try.
First and foremost, 6 GB free might sound like a lot, but sometimes programs partition more memory than the actual file size to get things done. So the first thing you should try is removing files you simply do not need to free up space. This often happens with me when I install steam games (due to limited space issues).
Secondly, I don't know what platform you're attempting to install to, but you may want to copy and save your save files, delete the rest and then "install".
In reality though, there is nothing to be installed. You're simply downloading the files and placing them on your PC. There is no unpacking or things of that nature to be done.
As far as I can see, no one else has had these problems using the same files, so it seems this may be related to something going on with your particular system.
These are the only things I can think of offhand. If you're still having issues, please take some screenshots or make a video of what's going on for you, chances are it's something fairly simple that needs to be tweaked.
I see i didn't know that usually I can download up to a 3 gb game with 6 gb free but I do see your point im doing Android and I have tried to free up more space but its probably doing as you said because when it goes to install towards the end it says not enough space so thank you for your reply!
No problem!
I kinda like this
Hope for more in the future
And i wanna ask that ver 0.3 doesn't have any H-scenes ?
There are some in the game (mostly story related).